They should immediately Stop Reflection payments, take the reflection equivalent and burn in the NULL Wallet automatically, I bet we would have a significant daily number of burns in the BSC and then we can attract more people.
People have to be attracted by the project and not by Reflections , reflections have almost the same effect as Airdrop , cotton candy in the mouth that dissolves, melts and does not appear or has no effect on the deflationary issue.
In fact, when reflexes are put into circulation, we are simply going against the principles of deflation, yes we are inflating, inflating Babydoge’s BSC Network.
It didn’t even burn 5 Trillions in the last 24 hours on the BSC network. A lot will say: "Obviously we have a low market, little volume and etc… Tarara…
But look at it the other way around, imagine if the reflexes generated went to the NULL wallet burning automatically, imagine how many trillions it would burn per day? Can you visualize how much of Babydoge can be destroyed, burned and taken out of circulation?
I’d rather buy more Babydoge than see wallet reflection falling and inflating our daily circulating supply.
I think it’s more useful for us to make a sacrifice as a community to let Babydoge burn half of the network fees of each transaction in the Null card and reap good results soon, than to sit there, complaining about burning in the BSC, not seeing the desired results in an expected period .
BabydogeCoin is more useful than its 2014 Father , we just need to put a faster gear on coin elimination, keep delivering and meet deadlines and automatically dozens of Exchanges will want us and we will be as well listed as Pai Doge, yes Babydoge It’s money to get your foot out of the mud, everything you promise, they deliver and I’m very happy that this project also helps dogs and cats, I realize that the CEO is a generous man with a good heart.