Use this section to introduce yourself to the community. Share your name/alias and let everybody know what are the things you enjoy. Share your Baby Doge passion and let’s get to know each other.
Hey #BabyDogeFamily !! It’s TJ here! Most of you know that I’m an American Actor, but what you might not know is that I love playing tennis and am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan !! Love this coin, it’s purpose of saving dogs, and the amazing community!! #BabyDogeArmy
Hi! I’m from Russia! This project has a wonderful mission. I believe that this team will be able to create a global product. #BabyDogeArmy #BeBraveLikeUkraine
wow this is so cool…
Hi beautiful people
Everyone in the group chat knows ad Mohamed and im one of the BabyDogeCoin Holder from beginning, is really nice to be part of the best crypto community in the world and let’s go to the moon
all together
Hi. Im kyle! I am working on a start up called CryptoChat. CryptoChat is the worlds first application allowing users to send and receive messages from their web3 wallets.
Hello #BabyDogeArmy, from Portugal. Very happy to be here, let’s help put this coin at the top of the world
Hi im Baby dooom co-host of the BDC NEWS WEEKLY youtube channel
A weekly video podcast on all the latest news that week
I am kwaku from Ghana
Hi I’m David from the United States.
Whassup y’all! I’m Karl, but my friends call me KG! — I love Doges and doing good in the world. This community gives me an opportunity to embrace both, and I’m humbled to be here with y’all.
Meet my BabyDoge Elsa Mae
Hello, I am happy to see where Baby Doge Coin goes in the weeks, months and years ahead. I think this is one of the very few Meme Coins that will continue to grow in support as it is a people’s coin of choice, and it has taken over social media just from the holders. Just wait until Baby Doge starts their major advertising campaigns - I feel this coin will break many records. Let’s Go Baby Doge!
Heya. I bought into babydoge around sept of 2021 and have never sold. I’m excited for the future of this project.
Hello babydogecoiners…