Submit Your Suggestions

Community Proposals are a great way to engage with the community and gage their interest about your ideas. We can’t guarantee that we will implement your idea, odds are that if we see a lot of community support it will be turned into a proposal!


Going from idea to preliminary proposal

Create a Discourse thread for your idea in the correct channel

Before an idea becomes a preliminary proposal, it must be discussed in our discourse forum to gather feedback, iterate and understand if there is worthy support.

Once an idea feels “ready”, a preliminary proposal is created by its “creator” and a vote is called.

The “creator” creates a discourse thread in the correct proposal link to discuss their idea and prepare for the preliminary proposal.

Creating a preliminary proposal

When an idea is ready for the next stage, the “creator” will conduct a temperature check vote on a preliminary proposal using a program to be defined.

*An ID of one of your Baby Doges or Wallet Address will be needed

*Link to your thread in discourse

  1. Rationale: Concise argument for your proposal
  2. Timeline: When will kickoff be, milestone dates, any time expectations goes here
  3. Goal: Set high level goals we will achieve. Numbers backed by past experience is even better
  4. Cost: What is the ask?
  5. Accountability: who will be accountable and what are the metrics we will track?

Failing to follow the template or farm enough feedback/support will result in your proposal being removed by the leading team.

A quorum of 3% must be reached in order for the proposal to be upgraded. Which means either 300 BabyDoge NFT’s or 3% of Baby Doge’s circulating supply

Core Team Proposals will be proposed and executed by the core team.

Community Proposals will be proposed and executed by the community.

Community proposals that receive a lot of traction may be made into a core team proposal and executed by core team.

Upgrading to a final proposal

Once a preliminary proposal reached quorum and majority support, the leading team at Baby Doge will upgrade that proposal and reintroduce it as a final proposal adding necessary detail or context. We will try our best to stick to the original vision of the proposal but there is business, legal, and financial implications that need be considered and can potentially lead to restructuring.

After a final proposal has been created it will be shared across the entire community to maximize voter turnout.

  1. Voting for final proposals is done in Snapshot
  2. Final proposals are created by the leading team

We look forward to collaborating on the future of Baby Doge with you all. Let’s make exciting proposals and learn a lot about coordination and community at Baby Doge Forum.

Thank you all for the continued support.

We reserve the right to change this process at any time.

Baby Doge Team


babydoge could burn 100 q on june 28th,
bcoz we have big competition,
supply is our problem, babydoge is inevitable project,


I agree. We need to burn more coins and holders too need to participate in the burning process


Firstly,I commend the babydoge team for this. Love you. Secondly, the total supply is too much and makes lot of investors feel it’s a scam. Big burning attracts more investors and listings. Thirdly, a lot of community members anticipate the listing of babydoge on bigger exchanges. I believe we deserve that. And the 50Q on Eth burn should be explained cause many do not understand. Babydoge wearable metarverse, swap and 3D nft should be lunched please.


This is incredible! I am excited for the future of the BabyDoge ecosystem.


Where would the 100q come from? The dev does not have 100q to burn.


A $5 ‘raffle’ where you can put in 5 bucks worth of USDT or USDC no limit on tickets

1st of every month

25% of the raffle pool is donated to our charity partners

25% is used to buy babydoge and burned

50% is given to 5 ticket holders randomly

E.g. 1million dollar prize pool
250k donated to charity
250k dollar buy back and burn
5x 100k lucky winners

Total pool visible on a dedicated dapp with live totals of tickets, amount to be donated, amount to be burnt and possible winnings totals

If successful will give a guaranteed big buy to cause a positive price increase and then burnt.


Please the dev needs to look at a way of reducing the coins in circulation to increase its value,the lower the amount the higher the demand and increase the value


Maybe this could be part of BabyDogeSwap as Lottery section.


They gotta find ways to implement it. If they stop the reflections and burn those token we will reach a good price point


Apparently not allowed a lottery in the US thats why i when for a raffle


Baby Doge Team needs to stop reflection & start burning on transactions so we can reduce circulation supply even faster.


One of the initial reasons I became interested in BDC is because of the partnerships with animal organizations such as ASPCA. I think the BDC team should find a way to tap into this utility more and increase partnerships with other animal organizations/companies to increase the awareness of BDC and its philanthropic goals. For example, partnering with major pet stores such as PetSmart/Petco and donating towards dog adoptions, closing illegal puppy mills, etc.

Increasing our presence in pet stores, veterinary clinics, and other animal organizations will help spread the word about BDC. I think it’s a great look and it would also serve as a great advertisement. People love supporting the betterment of animals and at the same time, if they can make money from this as an investment, even better.


At first the supply must be reduce, so that new investor showing interest. And show the next plan or roadmap be clear.


I agree. Holders can also assist with the burn


True. They can also get them to accept donations and payments using babydogecoin. Sounds good, yeah?


Great idea, Julian! I support


One way is to buy in the market and send it to the dead wallet.


Yeah about $40,000,000 + $70,000,000 in locked wallet… peanuts right?